Adapting Cybersecurity Policies to Combat AI-Driven Threats


Over the last few years, the landscape of cyber threats has significantly evolved. The once-common traditional phishing emails, marked by obvious language errors, clear malicious intent, and unbelievable narratives, have seen a decline. Modern email security systems can easily detect these rudimentary attacks, and recipients have grown savvy enough to recognize and ignore them. Consequently, this basic form of phishing is quickly becoming obsolete. 

However, as traditional phishing diminishes, a more sophisticated and troubling threat has emerged. Cybercriminals are now leveraging advanced generative AI (GenAI) tools to execute complex social engineering attacks. These include spear-phishing, VIP impersonation, and business email compromise (BEC). In light of these developments, Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs) must adapt their cybersecurity strategies and implement new, robust policies to address these advanced threats.

One critical measure is implementing segregation of duties (SoD) in handling sensitive data and assets. 

For example, any changes to bank account information for invoices or payroll should require approval from multiple individuals. This multi-step verification process ensures that even if one employee falls victim to a social engineering attack, others can intercept and prevent fraudulent actions.

Regular and comprehensive security training is also crucial. Employees, especially those handling sensitive information and executives who are prime targets for BEC, should undergo continuous security

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This article has been indexed from CySecurity News – Latest Information Security and Hacking Incidents

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