Attacks happen all the time – just this month, the cybersecurity community was shaken by the discovery of the Xz backdoor, a malicious exploit hidden within the popular open-source project XZ Utils. This backdoor, cleverly concealed within a seemingly legitimate compression tool, targeted the OpenSSH binary on Linux systems. The potential impact of this attack could have been catastrophic, granting unauthorized access to countless devices and networks.  

This incident serves as a stark reminder of the ever-evolving threatscape and the importance of staying ahead of the curve. In today’s blog post, we’ll be exploring how the Offsec Cyber Ranges can equip your teams to address these emerging threats and safeguard your organization from even the most cunning attacks.

The Cybersecurity Speed Challenge

The average time-to-exploit for new vulnerabilities is just 44 days – and a quarter of them are exploited within the first day they’re known.

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The post appeared first on OffSec.

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