10 Cyber Security Tools to Watch Out for in 2021

Read the original article: 10 Cyber Security Tools to Watch Out for in 2021

With an immense number of companies and entities climbing onto the digital bandwagon, cybersecurity considerations have come up as limelight. Besides, new technologies such as Big Data, IoT, and Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning are gradually more making inroads into our everyday lives, the threats related to cybercrime are mounting as well. Additionally, the usage of mobile and web apps in transacting financial information has put the complete digital stuff exposed to cybersecurity breaches. The inherent risks and vulnerabilities found in such apps can be exploited by attackers or cybercriminals to draw off crucial information data counting money. Internationally, cyber-security breaches have caused a yearly loss of USD 20.38 million in 2019 (Source: Statista). Plus, cybercrime has led to a 0.80 percent loss of the entire world’s Gross domestic product, which sums up to approx. USD 2.1 trillion in the year 2019 alone (Source: Cybriant.com).

Statista Report 2018 “Security Threats at All-Time High”. The no. of security threats or vulnerabilities in all kinds of Information Technology software is at an all-time high.

Read the original article: 10 Cyber Security Tools to Watch Out for in 2021